Iftar with love date.

Hye,and assalamualaikum.
imma just gonna show pictures, we go out for iftar together and stop by at  Hang Tuah World Heritage Hotel, Melaka, Malaysia.

So these is all the stuff they haveee ! readdy for perut keroncong this siang hari people, muahahahha :D

sup kambing ayam and whatso eva yang nu campurkan, we choose

kambing panggang



ABC, no kacang, freshly made

an these are just 2/.4 of the food. hehehe, bila dah makan, malas dah nakambil gambar semua.
the food ada banyak, but i would only say the taste is statisfied.yang penting, banyakkkk ! ahaha
okayyy thats all, but ada lg satu update for another iftar. hihih
stay tuned :D

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copyright by Emmy Natiella Ahmad.